
Statutory Audits for Large Corporates.

In the complex landscape of large corporations and listed companies, statutory audits serve not only as a compliance requirement but also as a vital strategic insight. Our audits provide the robust assurance that capital markets value, and our approach is designed to deliver multiple strategic benefits to your management team.

Scalable Audits Aligned with Your Strategic Priorities

  • Scalable, Cross-Border Expertise: Leveraging proven methodologies and advanced software, our experienced teams deliver audit services for national and international businesses. Through our affiliation with AGN International, we offer seamless audit solutions across 80+ countries, ensuring comprehensive support wherever your operations extend.

  • In-Depth Expertise: Our professionals possess deep industry knowledge and extensive experience with large corporations and listed entities, including those with global reach. We understand the intricacies of your business environment and are skilled in navigating its challenges effectively.

  • Advanced Technological Integration: We enhance audit efficiency by integrating leading technologies. Our standard methodology incorporates audit automation via Caseware Cloud and employs data analytics to elevate the efficiency and precision of our audits. For hybrid operational needs, tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom ensure effective communication amongst our teams and with our clients.

  • Risk-Focused Strategy: In developing our audit plans, we engage closely with you to understand the specific risks and opportunities your business faces. This ensures that our audit focuses on areas most critical to you, addressing elements likely to significantly impact your financial statements and stakeholder interests.

  • Strategic Insights for Informed Decisions: Beyond compliance, our audits are structured to deliver valuable insights that can inform strategic decisions and drive sustainable improvements. By thoroughly assessing your control environment and analysing financial data and trends, we provide actionable recommendations that can form the basis for positive change within the business.


Aligned, Scalable Audit Expertise

For detailed discussions on how Dains can support and enhance your compliance and strategic initiatives, please get in touch.