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Academy Trust Audits.

Managing the finances of an academy school trust demands accuracy, accountability, and a deep understanding of the educational sector. At Dains, we have a dedicated team with extensive experience in supporting academy trusts. Our tailored approach to statutory audits is designed to help academy trusts fulfil their mission of delivering quality education while ensuring fiscal responsibility.

Expertise and Experience Tailored to Your Needs

There are several ways we provide tangible benefits through our audit approach:


  • Dedicated, Experienced Team: Our professionals are well-versed in the regulatory and financial complexities unique to academy trusts. With years of experience in the education sector, our team is equipped to address the specific challenges your trust faces, providing focused and effective audit services.

  • Long-Term Partnership: We believe in building trusted relationships with our clients. Our commitment extends beyond the annual audit cycle; we offer year-round support. From financial planning and compliance updates to strategic advice, our experts are always ready to assist, ensuring your trust’s goals are met.

  • Assured Compliance: For academy trusts, compliance with statutory requirements is crucial for maintaining funding and public trust. Our audits are meticulously planned to align with the Academy Trust Handbook regulations and other standards, ensuring your trust remains compliant. We keep you informed with regular updates, helping you navigate through the ever-changing regulatory landscape.

  • Cost-Effective Auditing: Understanding the importance of budget management in education, our audits are designed to be cost-efficient. Our risk-focused approach enhances efficiency and reduces both disruptions and costs, ensuring more resources remain dedicated to teaching and learning outcomes.

  • Enhanced Governance: Strong governance is key to the success of any academy trust. Throughout our audit process, we provide governance advice to trustees and school leaders, bolstering accountability, transparency, and strategic decision-making.

We are committed to supporting the financial health and sustainability of your academy trust, enabling you to concentrate on what matters most—providing exceptional education to every student.


Find out More About Accounting for Education

Get in touch with us today to learn more about how Dains can assist your Academy Trust.