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Due Diligence.

If you’re thinking of expanding your company through acquisition, contemplating a management buy-in or management buy-out, or providing finance to a business then you will want to be confident that your investment is as free from risk as possible.

Due diligence investigations examine the financial aspects of the target business and provide comfort on the financial position of the company, identifying key financial and commercial risks.

Due diligence investigations can range from a one-day review to the preparation of a detailed long-form report. Therefore, it is essential that a qualified adviser is appointed to tailor the level of investigation to the nature, size and requirements of the target and all parties involved.

Dains can help with:

  • Identification of the inherent risks of a transaction

  • Recommendations as to the scope of investigative work to be performed

  • On site fieldwork conducted discreetly by an experienced team

  • Attendance at data-room meetings

  • Completion of a concise report detailing the findings of the exercise

  • Recommendations to minimise risk where areas of concern are highlighted

  • Project management including liaison with other due diligence professionals

  • Pre-lending reviews for debt providers


FIND OUT MORE ABOUT our Due Diligence Investigation services

Ready to expand your company through acquisition or pursue a management buy-in/out? Trust Dains for comprehensive due diligence.